Narayanam Namaskritya Sloka Lyrics | Narayana Sloka | Mahabharat - Telly Samachar

Wednesday 10 June 2020

Narayanam Namaskritya Sloka Lyrics | Narayana Sloka | Mahabharat

Narayanam Namaskritya Naram Chaiva Narottamam lines are the first shloka of Mahabharata, which are written by Vyasa. The show was produced by Swastik Productions.

Narayanam Namaskritya Shloka Lyrics - Mahabharat

Narayanam Namaskritya
Naram Chaiva Narottamam
Deveem Sarasvateem Vyaasam
Tato Jayamudeerayet

Narayanam Namaskritya
Naram Chaiva Narottamam
Deveem Sarasvateem Vyaasam
Tato Jayamudeerayet

Narayanam Namaskritya
Naram Chaiva Narottamam
Deveem Sarasvateem Vyaasam
Tato Jayamudeerayet


Sanskrit Lyrics:

नारायणं नमस्कृत्य नरं चैव नरोत्तमम् |
देवीं सरस्वतीं व्यासं ततो जयमुदीरयेत् ||

Narayanam Namaskritya Naram Chaiv Narottamam
Devim Saraswatim Chaiv Tato Jayamudeeryet


First bow to Narayana (Krishna), Nara ( Arjuna) , Saraswati, and then start reading Jaya (Mahabharata).

I bow down to Lord Krishna who is Narayana himself and his friend Arjun and the goddess Saraswati who has graced us by revealing the secrets of the Mahabharat and the writer Vyasa. By destroying all the negativities, one should start the chanting of the epic of Mahabharat.

Word to Word Meaning:

nārāyaṇam—the Personality of Godhead; 
namaḥ-kṛtya—after offering respectful obeisances; 
naram ca eva—and Nārāyaṇa Ṛṣi; 
nara-uttamam—the super most human being; 
devīm—the goddess; 
sarasvatīm—the mistress of learning; 
jayam—all that is meant for conquering; 
udīrayet—be announced